Erectile Dysfunction,Low Sperm Count-
natural herbal remedy
ALBERCHIN HERBAL FORMULA (Mega- man) herbal remedy
is a safer and more natural approach to treating this male condition and
alternatives to Viagra,
Levitra, and Cialis prescription medications
Male erectile dysfunction is defined as the consistent inability to obtain or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual relations. For many years patients relied on medications for ED treatment, but now there is a growing number of effective herbs and supplements, providing a natural cure and as alternatives to ED drugs. Data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study has indicated that the prevalence is 50% in men between the ages of 40 to 70 years.
Male erectile dysfunction is defined as the consistent inability to obtain or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual relations. For many years patients relied on medications for ED treatment, but now there is a growing number of effective herbs and supplements, providing a natural cure and as alternatives to ED drugs. Data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study has indicated that the prevalence is 50% in men between the ages of 40 to 70 years.
Caution: There is a higher
rate of heart disease in men who have problems with maintaining an
erection. All men with Erection Dysfunction -- particularly older men who are
more likely to have physical causes as opposed to psychological causes -- need
a medical evaluation, detailed cardiac assessment, blood pressure measurement,
lipid profile and blood sugar tests, as well as lifestyle advice regarding
weight management, diet improvement, smoking cessation, sleep quality
improvement, and exercise. If you have erectile dysfunction, make sure to have
a full medical evaluation before starting therapy, whether with an herbal
product or a drug. Some herbs are very potent and have a tendency to accelerate
heart rate or increase blood pressure which may not be well tolerated by those
who have cardiac or cardiovascular problems. Even though herbs are safer than
prescription medications, they do have side effects if use in high doses.
The various factors involved in psychological and physical (organic) erectile dysfunction, but for now I wanted to let you know about my discovery regarding years of research in formulating an herbal blend to enhance sexual stamina and support healthy erectile function. I'm proud to announce a wonderful blend called Passion Rx.
The various factors involved in psychological and physical (organic) erectile dysfunction, but for now I wanted to let you know about my discovery regarding years of research in formulating an herbal blend to enhance sexual stamina and support healthy erectile function. I'm proud to announce a wonderful blend called Passion Rx.
Mega-Man - Traditional
Doctor formula.
all natural performance enhancer provides results that are most often noticed
between the second and fifth days. Results continue to improve over several
days. Our feedback thus far indicates more than 80% user satisfaction by the
end of the first week.
Dr. Albert and his foreign researcher have tested various doses and extracts of dozens of herbs from a number or raw material suppliers to determine the ideal dosage and combination for optimal aphrodisiac properties with no or fewest side effects. After years of experimentation, a special proprietary blend with 32 herbal extracts from the best raw material from China and South Korea suppliers has been created which works within hours. The exact dosages and potencies of this UNIQUE aphrodisiac blend is a close kept secret only known to the traditional doctor and his foreign researcher. You will only find this exact combination in Mega-Man. Different people react differently to these herbs and combinations. I prefer using a formula that has several plant extracts. One may also adapt to a single herb if used too often and it is a good idea to alternate their use. Water therapy is another unique way to assist our herb. You take 1 liter of clean water every morning.

Dr. Albert and his foreign researcher have tested various doses and extracts of dozens of herbs from a number or raw material suppliers to determine the ideal dosage and combination for optimal aphrodisiac properties with no or fewest side effects. After years of experimentation, a special proprietary blend with 32 herbal extracts from the best raw material from China and South Korea suppliers has been created which works within hours. The exact dosages and potencies of this UNIQUE aphrodisiac blend is a close kept secret only known to the traditional doctor and his foreign researcher. You will only find this exact combination in Mega-Man. Different people react differently to these herbs and combinations. I prefer using a formula that has several plant extracts. One may also adapt to a single herb if used too often and it is a good idea to alternate their use. Water therapy is another unique way to assist our herb. You take 1 liter of clean water every morning.
Diet and weight loss
Exercise and weight loss may improve sexual function in obese men. We know that eating a healthy diet that's loaded with fruits and veggies, fish, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a normal weight reduces one's risk for heart attack and stroke. Research shows that these same lifestyle changes are effective in improving ED.
Exercise and weight loss may improve sexual function in obese men. We know that eating a healthy diet that's loaded with fruits and veggies, fish, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a normal weight reduces one's risk for heart attack and stroke. Research shows that these same lifestyle changes are effective in improving ED.
Understanding the causes
Erectile dysfunction can be classified simply under two headings. Psychological: that is, mental; or Organic: that is, due to some form of physical or medical problem. Organic ED becomes more common as men get older. Psychological causes are more likely in those below the age of 30.
Erectile dysfunction can be classified simply under two headings. Psychological: that is, mental; or Organic: that is, due to some form of physical or medical problem. Organic ED becomes more common as men get older. Psychological causes are more likely in those below the age of 30.
Psychological causes
The causes of psychological erectile dysfunction are numerous, and it is difficult to list them all, but most often this condition is related to depression, performance anxiety, marital stress or relationship problems, marital boredom, life crisis, financial difficulties, religious repression, or some type of mental illness. Improving ED in these cases may require addressing the underlying causes.
The causes of psychological erectile dysfunction are numerous, and it is difficult to list them all, but most often this condition is related to depression, performance anxiety, marital stress or relationship problems, marital boredom, life crisis, financial difficulties, religious repression, or some type of mental illness. Improving ED in these cases may require addressing the underlying causes.
Organic causes
There are four major causes of organic erectile dysfunction: Vascular, Neural, Hormonal, and Drug-induced. The cause of ED determines the treatment approach. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and tobacco abuse are the three most common causes in men older than 50 years of age.
Vascular causes involving poor blood flow
Alterations in the flow of blood to and from the penis are thought to be a common cause. For instance, medical conditions such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol, hypertension, or diabetes reduce blood flow to the penis and genital organs thus leading to difficulty with erection or genital swelling. Erectile dysfunction could be an early indication of oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction. Patients with cardiovascular disease and patients with diabetes represent the largest group of patients with ED. Lowering cholesterol through diet, supplements, or medicines improve this condition.
Metabolic syndrome can increase inflammatory markers in blood and negatively influence endothelial function resulting in poor vasodilatation and a higher incidence of erectile dysfunction.
Additional factors that can impede blood flow include penile injury and surgery in the pelvic and abdominal area.
Heavy smoking is an important risk factor for ED in men and quitting smoking, over time, improves this condition. Stop cigarette smoking leads to improved penile tumescence and rigidity.
There are four major causes of organic erectile dysfunction: Vascular, Neural, Hormonal, and Drug-induced. The cause of ED determines the treatment approach. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and tobacco abuse are the three most common causes in men older than 50 years of age.
Vascular causes involving poor blood flow
Alterations in the flow of blood to and from the penis are thought to be a common cause. For instance, medical conditions such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol, hypertension, or diabetes reduce blood flow to the penis and genital organs thus leading to difficulty with erection or genital swelling. Erectile dysfunction could be an early indication of oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction. Patients with cardiovascular disease and patients with diabetes represent the largest group of patients with ED. Lowering cholesterol through diet, supplements, or medicines improve this condition.
Metabolic syndrome can increase inflammatory markers in blood and negatively influence endothelial function resulting in poor vasodilatation and a higher incidence of erectile dysfunction.
Additional factors that can impede blood flow include penile injury and surgery in the pelvic and abdominal area.
Heavy smoking is an important risk factor for ED in men and quitting smoking, over time, improves this condition. Stop cigarette smoking leads to improved penile tumescence and rigidity.
Neural causes
Nerve damage from disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and stroke affect the brain’s ability to respond to sexual stimulation and cause erectile dysfunction. In women, abdominal or pelvic operations can occasionally lead to nerve damage. ED is common in men undergoing surgical treatment for prostate enlargement or cancer.
Hormonal causes
Low levels of androgens, such as testosterone, are sometimes a component of erectile dysfunction. Testosterone levels decline about 1 percent each year in men, which may contribute to erectile dysfunction with aging. Testosterone also declines with age in women leading to a decrease in female libido. Replacement of androgens can sometimes be helpful in those with age related erectile dysfunction. Testosterone is available by prescription only. An over the counter hormones, such as DHEA, converts into testosterone and thus has a positive influence on erectile dysfunction. Pregnenolone is another over the counter hormone that may increase testosterone levels and thus improve erectile dysfunction. Many herbal aphrodisiacs such as Megaman also have a positive influence on erectile dysfunction. Routine hormone blood studies for erectile dysfunction evaluation are not needed during the initial evaluation but perhaps later if treatment modalities are not successful. Prominent diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, hypogonadism, and hyperprolactinemia, may cause erectile dysfunction. Sometimes erectile dysfunction treatment with hormones such as DHEA or testosterone can be effective.
Nerve damage from disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and stroke affect the brain’s ability to respond to sexual stimulation and cause erectile dysfunction. In women, abdominal or pelvic operations can occasionally lead to nerve damage. ED is common in men undergoing surgical treatment for prostate enlargement or cancer.
Hormonal causes
Low levels of androgens, such as testosterone, are sometimes a component of erectile dysfunction. Testosterone levels decline about 1 percent each year in men, which may contribute to erectile dysfunction with aging. Testosterone also declines with age in women leading to a decrease in female libido. Replacement of androgens can sometimes be helpful in those with age related erectile dysfunction. Testosterone is available by prescription only. An over the counter hormones, such as DHEA, converts into testosterone and thus has a positive influence on erectile dysfunction. Pregnenolone is another over the counter hormone that may increase testosterone levels and thus improve erectile dysfunction. Many herbal aphrodisiacs such as Megaman also have a positive influence on erectile dysfunction. Routine hormone blood studies for erectile dysfunction evaluation are not needed during the initial evaluation but perhaps later if treatment modalities are not successful. Prominent diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, hypogonadism, and hyperprolactinemia, may cause erectile dysfunction. Sometimes erectile dysfunction treatment with hormones such as DHEA or testosterone can be effective.
Some prostate cancer patients have an operation called a bilateral nerve-sparing retropubic radical prostatectomy. More than 80 percent of these men who have the operation suffer from erectile dysfunction afterwards.
Medical diseases and metabolic disorder
Certain medical conditions cause erectile dysfunction or reduce libido, performance, or enjoyment. These include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, peripheral vascular disease, neurologic disorders, and insomnia. In diabetic men with ED, the severity of their sexual performance problem increases as control of blood sugar levels worsens.
Sitting on a bicycle too long. Men who log several thousand miles a year on their mountain bikes suffer scrotal damage that could reduce their fertility or cause erectile dysfunction.
Have you heard of the metabolic syndrome or Syndrome X? Symptoms of metabolic syndrome include a large waistline, high blood pressure, raised insulin levels, excess body weight and abnormal cholesterol levels. If someone has three or more symptoms they have the syndrome and a higher risk of suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Patients with metabolic syndrome have an increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction.
Insomnia is a common cause.
Cardiac Patients and heart disease
Erectile dysfunction is common in cardiac patients and shares the same risk factors - smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Sexual activity is not unduly stressful to the heart and, providing patients are properly assessed using established guidelines, sexual intercourse can be enjoyed without increased risk. ED in asymptomatic patients may be a marker of silent vascular disease or increased vascular risk factors and should alert the physician to the need for cardiac risk screening.
Physical fitness positively influences sexual desire and performance. Moderate exercise may help boost sexual function in men with heart failure.
Some prostate cancer patients have an operation called a bilateral nerve-sparing retropubic radical prostatectomy. More than 80 percent of these men who have the operation suffer from erectile dysfunction afterwards.
Medical diseases and metabolic disorder
Certain medical conditions cause erectile dysfunction or reduce libido, performance, or enjoyment. These include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, peripheral vascular disease, neurologic disorders, and insomnia. In diabetic men with ED, the severity of their sexual performance problem increases as control of blood sugar levels worsens.
Sitting on a bicycle too long. Men who log several thousand miles a year on their mountain bikes suffer scrotal damage that could reduce their fertility or cause erectile dysfunction.
Have you heard of the metabolic syndrome or Syndrome X? Symptoms of metabolic syndrome include a large waistline, high blood pressure, raised insulin levels, excess body weight and abnormal cholesterol levels. If someone has three or more symptoms they have the syndrome and a higher risk of suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Patients with metabolic syndrome have an increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction.
Insomnia is a common cause.
Cardiac Patients and heart disease
Erectile dysfunction is common in cardiac patients and shares the same risk factors - smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Sexual activity is not unduly stressful to the heart and, providing patients are properly assessed using established guidelines, sexual intercourse can be enjoyed without increased risk. ED in asymptomatic patients may be a marker of silent vascular disease or increased vascular risk factors and should alert the physician to the need for cardiac risk screening.
Physical fitness positively influences sexual desire and performance. Moderate exercise may help boost sexual function in men with heart failure.
Diabetic men are much likely to develop ED as non-diabetic men. The cause is multifactorial, but most commonly reflects endothelial dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy. Diabetes and vascular disease may be a marker for silent occlusive arterial disease. Treatment is effective in the majority and all options should be considered, beginning with the much preferred oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil).
Megaman will improve your sperm quality and increase sperm motility, gives you very good erection and prolong ejaculation. It is the lasting solution to all kind of Erection Dysfunction.
Diabetic men are much likely to develop ED as non-diabetic men. The cause is multifactorial, but most commonly reflects endothelial dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy. Diabetes and vascular disease may be a marker for silent occlusive arterial disease. Treatment is effective in the majority and all options should be considered, beginning with the much preferred oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil).
Megaman will improve your sperm quality and increase sperm motility, gives you very good erection and prolong ejaculation. It is the lasting solution to all kind of Erection Dysfunction.
An Herbal formula called Mega-Man / Alberchin Herbal Formula is the best solution for Erection Malfunction & Low Sperm Cout, kindly visit: Alberchin herbal cure Limited
or please call Dr. Albert Olanrewaju on 08093843797/ 08065480594/
07085259626, Dapo: 08188376594, Victoria: 08034031273, Kazeem: 08186755757, Evang.Yemisi
08036133323, Engr. Seye 08126265437 or visit: our office ALBERCHIN HERBAL CURE
LTD at 26, ikotun – idimu road, college busstop, kazam plaza suite 50. Email: Site: .Infertility
problem solution center, we don’t just give you herbs, we determine your
peculiar case and administered the appropriate herbs combination.
hello everyone, i had a poor erection from birth, i noticed myself when i was 7years old. my penis is very small that its only use is to pass out urine. when i was 23, i tried to come close to women, my penis will not stand erect to make love. this has been my greatest problem until i met a man called Dr. EDIONWE. he assured to cast a spell on me for long penis and erection and high sperm count. it seems like a dream to me, i decided to give it a trial because this has been my greatest problem and medical attention have not been of help. it seems shock to me. i made love with the girl i have always dream to be with and i intend to get her pregnant. i know its not easy to live in this condition so i cannot keep this miracle to myself. i urge everyone in similar condition to contact Dr. EDIONWE today via email Any problem you are, he has a way of bringing solution to it. if mine is possible, then i can say nothing is possible. contact him today via email there will be a miracle, and you will share testimony as i am doing now. feeling happy!!! grateful heart!!!
ReplyDeleteEach penis enhancement exercise will have to be performed in a highly specific way. Being aware of the right technique and following the basic steps will be essential for seeing results and for preventing painful experiences.
ReplyDeleteStretching, for example, should be performed solely on a flaccid penis. Jelqing should be performed on a penis that is almost 100 percent erect. Doing jelqing on a fully erect penis, however, is not advisable. helpful extenze website
My name is Camille bruno Valdez my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will either conceive in February 2014 or March 2014,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Dr Dahiru, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine,
ReplyDeleteI want to share a great testimony on this website on how great Priest Babaka help me in falling pregnant,me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for over 4years,but they where no luck so we decided to contact the family doctor and after all the test have been done,he said to us that my fallopian tube is not functioning.then one day i was in the office when a friend of mine who have the same problem with me, fall pregnant after she contacted Priest Babaka .she directed me to him and when i contacted him through his email and he did the purification on the pregnancy spell and in 2weeks time i was feeling some how and i went to meet the family doctor who told me that i am pregnant.if you know that you have a similar problem like this, or any fertility issue and you want to be pregnant you can contact Priest Babaka via
ReplyDeleteJust because you’re dealing with a health issue right now doesn’t mean you should forget about having intimacy with your partner. This period gives you an opportunity to explore new techniques and ways to please each other.
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Unbelievable, i remembered i was once here in need of help on how to go about the problem of poor penis erection i was having, i must say those years was so frustrating, the experience was something outside the world of being normal, i could have sworn that i was witnessing my marraige crumbling to nothing, my wife had to join me in search of various kind of help, and the search lasted for 1year 4months and like a dove sent from heaven , a cousin to my wife referred me to "Dr Mac donald", a specialist with a distance full of knowledge, with his vaccines/medications and his advice on what to stay clear off and how to approach the problem , in less than 3 weeks i was doing fine sexually, am indeed proud to say am now a father of a bouncing baby boy and up to this moment am still thinking this all some very big dream that everything is actually back to normal, i believe i will forever be greatful for his guidance, so am recommending all those who are currently in the condition i was in back then, or know someone who is in any related problems like unnecessary bleeding, Virginia odour, poor penis erection, inability to release sperm (low sperm count), kidney problems, blood in the urine, irregular Mestration or whatever is there that's not normal should try and contact him through his email:
Most of his advice and vaccines are free, you can book a meeting with him like i did
A simple Hi to him can Change your life for the better
This testimony may help someone who is suffering from STAPH infection.
ReplyDeleteMy son had this problem for 2years and some months, I was not serious about it because i was not always at home until a Doctor friend advise me about it that if i do not treat it on time it is going to affect his sexual performance such as WEAKNESS OF ERECTION, LOW SPERM COUNT, WATERY SPERM, Just a few to mention, which he told me not to waste money on English medicine that it will work but it does not kill the root of the problem that i should go for herbal medicine which i found Dr. Leonard more effective on internet and his product really cure my son. He is now proud to be around his friends.
contact him on
I just want to share this personal story about how my husband survived the problem of NO ERECTION after prostate surgery.
ReplyDeleteMy husband undertook prostate surgery 3 years ago and before then i always looked forward to great sex with him and after the surgery he was unable to achieve any erections, we were bothered and we tried so many drugs, injections and pumps and rings but none could give him an erection to even penetrate. I searched for a cure and got to know about Dr. Hillary who is renowned for curing problems of this nature and he did encouraged me not to give up and he recommended his herbal medication which my hubby took for 3 weeks and today his sexual performance is optimum. You too can contact him for similar problems on A man who cannot satisfy his wife's sexual need is not a real man!
I want to use this opportunity to thank this great holy man called Priest Babaka for what he has done for me and my family. This great man has brought happiness and joy back again to me and my family. Priest Babaka has used his great power to help me bring back my husband within the period of 48 hours and also helped me in getting pregnant with his powerful prayers and after 7 days of applying his herbs.This is more than words can say, at first i didn't believe it but today it is so true and all thanks goes to him. i will advice every one out there that has a similar issue, and also any one who is willing to get his or her lover back and any one who wants to get pregnant quick to contact this wonderful man today and forever remain happy in life. email: or Facebook at priestly.babaka